

Videos is a powerful and popular form of content for marketing and communications. It is important that our videos represent The Prince's Trust in a way that is clear, consistent and sending out the right message across every platform. 

Video can play a key role in strengthening our brand recognition, identity, trust and experience for our audiences. Below is our road map for video outlining how they should look, sound and feel.

Our editing style

Our videos are audience-specific rather than trying to please everyone. We aim to show a range of cultures, backgrounds and geographical locations.

Our brand ident

The video branding sting (or sometimes referred to as Ident) is used across our videos to take ownership of it and to help spread our core message.

A suite of pre-made stings are available that can be used across all current video formats. The ‘Full branding sting’ is our core sting and is the first point of call when choosing branding to use in your video.

There may be times when the core sting does not fit with your content, for example, when the content is very raw and emotive, in cases like this, we treat each project case by case and our Creative Services team will co-create with you to choose the best elements to end your video. 

Logo placement

It’s a good idea to include your company logo in your videos to help with brand recognition. Our logo is usually featured at the end of a video.

Use of colour

Our colour palette is used sparingly in video content and as a guide use our core reds - Logo Red for the background of end cards and White for text. 

Lower thirds

A lower third is a graphic overlay placed in the title-safe lower area of the screen, though not necessarily the entire lower third of it, as the name suggests. In its simplest form, a lower third can just be text overlaying the video.

An animated template can be found in the Adobe library suite for Adobe Creative Cloud users. When creating name plates from scratch, there are two styles. Version 1 uses the DRUK and Steradian fonts. Version 2 uses machine fonts as a replacement. To animate these manual name plates, please use a simple cross fade up and down. 

Version 1

Name Line 1 – DRUK case sensitive 110px

Title Line 2 – Steradian Regular 55px –10 VA

Left Aligned

Version 2 (If you do not have access to our Brand fonts)

Name Line 1 – Impact 100px,

Title Line 2 – Arial Regular 50px

Left Aligned

When choosing a placement for name plates, it is okay to place anywhere in the frame if they are withing safe margins and not obstructing and key information and are readable.


We want to make sure that as many people as possible can experience our videos which is why it's important that we include captions to increase accessibility.

Our captions serve an important function in enabling people who are hard-of-hearing, deaf or have other physical or cognitive disabilities to be able to experience and understand. Our captions need to be as readable as possible, therefore we ask for line breaks to be in sensible places and to have a maximum of two lines stacked on screen at a time. 

To create the captions style from scratch, please follow this guide.

For 16:9 1080p Videos

Arial Regular 60px white

Black Border box 90% opacity

Centre Aligned in safe margin of video

For 1:1 1080 x 1080 Videos

Arial Regular 40px white

Black Border box 90% opacity

Centre Aligned in safe margin of video

For Adobe Creative Cloud users, we have some pre-made styles that can be applied to any captions being created. This is for 16:9 and 1:1 video but can also be adapted for 9:16.

Videos for social media

When creating videos aimed solely for social media platforms making maximum impact is key. In certain instances, using big bold name plates helps draw attention and introduce the person on screen in a less informal way. This style is only suited to names of people. Any other information can be conveyed using the standard name plate format.

Version 3 - for social media

Name line only - Druk Medium capitalized, white


Name line only - Arial Capitalized, white


For people using Adobe Creative Cloud to create videos we have a Adobe Library full of templates and brand assets to help when creating content. The assets held within the library are not limited to video and can be used across the Adobe suite.


We love hearing your feedback and suggestions for our Brand Guide. 

We’ve simplified and updated parts, and we're working on further improvements. If you see something you like or something that isn't working, let us know via this feedback form (Click link) so that we can keep making the guidance better.