Our visuals

Our logo

Our logo is a primary visual element and should be used wherever possible to build awareness, recognition, trust and credibility. 

Always use the supplied logo artwork files. Do not attempt to recreate our logo. 

If you need our logo please send your request including details about where it will be used to marketing@princes-trust.org.uk. Do not send a separate follow up email to individual team members.  



Our logo is made up of two elements – the words ‘Prince’s Trust’ and the feathers graphic. The relationship between them is fixed, they should never be split apart, or proportions changed. 

We don’t use 'The' in front of our logo. It is always 'Prince’s Trust'. 

To maintain legibility, the logo width should never be displayed smaller than 15mm (for print) or 90px (for screen). 

Country-specific logos 

In instances where it is deemed important to strongly emphasize that we operate in a particular country, a country version of our logo may be used. 

Always use the supplied logo artwork files. Do not attempt to recreate our logo. 

If you need one of the country logos please send your request including details about where it will be used to marketing@princes-trust.org.uk. Do not send a separate follow up email to individual team members.  

Cymru, Scotland, Northern Ireland, PTI

Logo Exclusion Zone 

When working with our logo, to ensure good legibility and stand-out please leave adequate clear space around it. The clear space also known as an exclusion zone should be approximately 1/5th of the logo width and height.  

Our logo should always be clearly visible and not lost against busy backgrounds and textures. 

Graphic elements must not enter the exclusion zone. The only exception is if the logo is laid on top of an image.  

Logo Colours 

Our logo should only appear in a single colour. 

Use our logo in Master Red or Black when placed on a white background. (Fig. 01 & 02) 

Use our logo in White when placed on a coloured or photographic background. (Fig. 03, 04 & 05) 

Logo Colour Don'ts 

It is important that our logo remains clearly recognisable. Don’t alter the logo colour or put the red logo on a dark grey background or the black logo on a red background. 


Fig. 01 - Logo red on Dark Grey 

Fig. 02 - Black on Logo Red 

Fig. 03 - Alter colour 

Logo Appearance Don’ts 

Ensure that our logo is clearly recognisable by using it correctly. 

Please don’t do the following: 

Fig. 01 - Stretch the logo 

Fig. 02 - Apply a drop shadow 

Fig. 03 - Change the typeface in the logo 

Fig. 04 - Alter the colour 

Fig. 05 - Apply effects 

Do not 'box out' the logo - the boxes here are for representing background colour only. Use red, white or black variants on a transparent background. 

An exception to the rules

Due to its international significance and easy recognition, the use of rainbow colours in our logo is the only exception that has been permitted by Senior Brand and Marketing Management and Buckingham Palace for use when appropriate throughout the year. 

If you need one of the Rainbow version of our logo please send your request including details about where it will be used to marketing@princes-trust.org.uk. Do not send a separate follow up email to individual team members.  

Using logo on Prince's Trust materials

When the logo is used on Prince's Trust materials, it should also be accompanied by The Trust's charity number in small print.

All documentation produced by The Trust (e.g. advertisements, notices, cheques, invoices etc) or when the logo is used externally, the following copy should always be included in small print:

© The Prince’s Trust 2023 – all rights reserved. The Prince’s Trust is a registered charity, incorporated by Royal Charter in England. Registered number RC000772. Registered office: Prince’s Trust South London Centre, 8 Glade Path, London SE1 8EG. Registered charity number in England and Wales: 1079675 and Scotland: SC041198.

Using logo on third party materials

There are certain rules that apply in relation to “commercial participation” (i.e. when companies carry out events or sales of products to support a charity) and to comply with these rules the charity number (as above) is required to be used.

Example of use:

If a company is raising money for The Prince’s Trust and is also using the logo (provided a commercial agreement is in place) then they must use the charity number on the marketing materials promoting the event, activity or product. The product itself (if it’s something physical) does not need to carry the charity number.

We love hearing your feedback and suggestions for our Brand Guide. 

We’ve simplified and updated parts, and we're working on further improvements. If you see something you like or something that isn't working, let us know via this feedback form (Click link) so that we can keep making the guidance better.