Our visuals

Our colours

Our primary brand colour is Master Red.

Master Red has secondary supporting colours which can be used in combination with it.  

Primary colour 

Master Red is our primary colour and along with our logo forms the foundation of our visual identity. In instances where the space is small, layout has design issues or the material is out of context of our brand e.g., not within our website or event, where Master Red is present, always use Master Red.  

If your material is just our logo with no other words or imagery, on a red background, the background must always be Master Red to maintain brand consistency and quick recognition.  

Master Red should be used across our key communications to maintain a good level consistency and recognition. 

Master Red

Hex #CC0033

CMYK 0, 100, 66, 18

RGB 204, 0, 51

Pantone 199

Secondary colours 

We are a red brand; however, our secondary colours add variation and allow us to use colour for emotion, displaying charts and graphs, illustrations, and sectioning large pieces of information such as reports.

PT Vibrant Red

Hex #E60A4B

CMYK 0, 100, 50, 0

RGB 230, 10, 75

Pantone 206

PT Highlight Green

Hex #28D796

CMYK 60, 0, 50, 0

RGB 40, 215, 150

Pantone 2412

PT Royal Blue

Hex #1E1964

CMYK 100, 95, 0, 5

RGB 30, 25, 100

Pantone 2746

PT Light Blue

Hex #28A0D7

CMYK 90, 0, 5, 0

RGB 40, 160, 215

Pantone 299

PT Teal

Hex #00A096

CMYK 90, 0, 45, 10

RGB 0, 160, 150

Pantone 2236

PT Dark Grey

Hex #323232

CMYK 0, 0, 0, 90

RGB 50, 50, 50

Pantone Cool Grey 11

Mid Grey

Hex #C3C3C3

CMYK 0, 0, 0, 35

RGB 195, 195, 195

Pantone Cool Grey 4

PT Light White

Hex #E6E6E6

CMYK 0, 0, 0, 15

RGB 230, 230, 230

Pantone Cool Grey 2

PT White


CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0

RGB 255, 255, 255

A note about pure black on pure white

Pure black on pure white can be difficult to read and cause eye strain when viewing on a screen. When using a white background with text for digital application change white to off-white and use the PT dark grey as default text colour instead of black.

If you are creating a materials with the intention of printing either commercial printing or using an office printer please use PT White. Off-White is for on screen only.

PT Off-White (screen only)


CMYK n/a

RGB 252, 252, 245

Pantone n/a

A note about PT Light Blue

You may have noticed that our website uses a brighter shade of PT Light Blue which when used should be referred to as PT Brighter Blue. This blue is currently used only for digital (screens).

Pantone and CMYK values have not been identified or print tested for PT Brighter Blue. Please continue to use PT Light Blue for all printed materials.

PT Brighter Blue (screen only)


CMYK n/a

RGB 92, 204, 255

Pantone n/a

Tertiary colours 

Our tertiary colours must be used sparingly. When considering colours to use for materials that are being consumed by people who are highly engaged and very familiar with us. Please check with marketing before using via marketing@prince-trust.org.uk.

PT Purple

Hex #411266

CMYK 90, 100, 25, 15

RGB 65, 20, 100

PT Light purple

Hex #6A408A

CMYK 70, 85, 10, 0

RGB 105, 65, 140

PT Rose pink

Hex #FF8383

CMYK 0, 50, 15, 0

RGB 255, 130, 130

PT Pale Blue

Hex #85E5DE

CMYK 45, 0, 15, 0

RGB 130, 230, 220

PT Yellow

Hex #ffc837

CMYK 0, 20, 90, 0

RGB 255, 200, 55

Gold and Silver

Gold and silver are reserved for communications to high net worth individuals and work particularly well in print.

PT Gold

Hex #c39b3c

CMYK 20,35,80, 10

RGB 195, 155, 60

Pantone 15-1142-TCX Honey Gold

PT Silver / Mid Grey

Hex #c3c3c3

CMYK 0,0,0,35

RGB 195, 195, 195

Pantone Cool Grey 4

Accessible colours for type 

We are committed to ensuring that our brand is as accessible to as many people as possible and that we create the best experience for all our audience. The colour combinations shown below conform to either AA or AAA level as set out by The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) for contrast accessibility. 

We want to ensure that small text, call to actions and navigation can be understood by all.  

AA is viewed as the acceptable level of accessibility for most online services, which should work with most screen readers. 

AAA compliance is viewed as the best level of accessibility, which provides everything for a complete accessible offering and legibility on all screen readers.

Using our colour palette 

You can use up to 3 colours or choose one colour to sit alongside Master Red. Our palette should make people feel x, x, so use colour combinations that reflect that. 

  • Always use the correct colour breakdowns: CMYK and Pantone® for print and RGB or Hex # for digital. 
  • Always use strong contrasting colour combinations that pass accessibility standards and are easy to read. 
  • When using the colours, ask ‘does it still feel like The Prince’s Trust?’ If it’s for an external audience, you may wish to consider using the core palette colours (Master Red, White and Dark Grey) 
  • Use black and Dark Grey sparingly as a background colour. This is more suited for sombre or hard-hitting messages. 
  • Never use all the colours in a single piece of communication. It’s overwhelming, causes dilution and reduces recognition. 
Recommended colour combinations 

Head over to our colour pairings page to see the approved colour combinations that have been tested for accessibility. Always use high contrast combinations for maximum readability.

We love hearing your feedback and suggestions for our Brand Guide. 

We’ve simplified and updated parts, and we're working on further improvements. If you see something you like or something that isn't working, let us know via this feedback form (Click link) so that we can keep making the guidance better.