Our visuals

Our typography

Primary typeface - Druk 

Bold, modern and distinctive. Our primary typeface is Druk Medium, used throughout our communications. Its primary use is for headings, to pull out key words and to emphasise a number in facts and statistics. 

Druk can be purchased here. 

Typesetting for Druk

Kerning: Druk should use – 0 tracking. 

Ensure letters do not touch in any headlines. 

Using Druk for headlines, titles and quotes

We use cap locks in short headlines to feel modern and youthful. 

For longer headlines we make the headlines in lowercase. 

We never use caps lock for long headlines as this is hard to read. 

Using Druk vertically

Druk can only be used vertically for none essential words and short phrases. If it is used the viewer should be able to fully understand the story and/or messaging regardles of whether they can read the vertical text.

Secondary typeface - Steradian 

Clean, friendly, and highly legible. Our secondary typeface is Steradian. We use Regular, Light, and Medium to allow us to flex our tone across audiences and channels. Its primary use is for introduction and body text.  

On occasions when the brand needs to feel premium, Steradian can be used as a headline typeface.  

Steradian can be purchase here.  

Typesetting for Steradian

Kerning (space between the letters):

Steradian should use – 20 tracking. 

Steradian is tightened to – 20 so that it is easier to read through digital applications. 

Leading (space between lines): 

Steradian 6pt—24pt: should use +1pt line spacing e.g. 18pt/19pt 

Steradian 40pt—72pt: should use -2pt line spacing e.g. 42pt/40pt 


We need to make sure that we do not tamper with our typography. 

Fig 01 + 02 - Do not slant the typefaces. 

Fig 03 + 04 - Do not use any effects on the typefaces. 

Type Hierarchy 

Here is a simple example of how to use effective type hierarchy. 


Druk Medium 




No hyphenation 


Subheadings, standfirsts and quotes 

Druk Medium or Steradian Medium 

Minimum size: 14pt text 

Sentence case 

No hyphenation 


Body copy 

Steradian Light 

Minimum size: 12pt text 

Sentence case 

No hyphenation 


Bullet points 

Steradian Light or Regular 

Minimum size: 12pt text 

Either circular or an arrow > 

Sentence case 

No hyphenation 

URL’s, hashtags and calls to actions (CTAs) 

Steradian Medium 

Sentence case 

No hyphenation 

Picture captions 

Steradian Regular 

Minimum size: 9pt text 

Sentence case 

No hyphenation 

Footnotes, small print and sources 

Steradian Regular 

Minimum size: 8pt text 

Sentence case 

No hyphenation 

Font substitute  

For internal documents and documents created using Microsoft products like PowerPoint, Excel, and Word, you may have to use an alternative font. If you do, this should be Arial instead of Steradian and Impact instead of Druk. 


Using our Quotation Marks 

Oversized Druk quotation marks can be used at the beginning of quotes. Either above the first word or to the left of the first word. As shown below. 

The speech Marks can be found here. 

We love hearing your feedback and suggestions for our Brand Guide. 

We’ve simplified and updated parts, and we're working on further improvements. If you see something you like or something that isn't working, let us know via this feedback form (Click link) so that we can keep making the guidance better.