Our Tone of voice

How we talk

Our four pillars

Our tone of voice is made up of four key elements. Everything we say should convey these four elements. Where appropriate certain tones may be dialled up or down, dependent on the subject matter, channel and audience. Think of them as powerful guides to help you bring the voice of The Prince’s Trust to life.


We help young people to embrace opportunities and champion never giving up

What we mean

Brave, caring, empowering, nurturing, strong, steadfast, enriching

What we don’t mean

Overpowering, egotistical, pretentious, presumptuous


We help young people discover their inner strength, overcome struggles and build a brighter future

What we mean

Positive, hopeful, assured, inspirational, uplifting, helpful, elevating

What we don’t mean

Arrogant, boastful, dismissive, ignorant, imperious


We encourage young people to dream big and believe that anything is possible

What we mean

Confident, bright, positive, encouraging, hopeful, trusting, enthusiastic

What we don’t mean

Idealistic, unrealistic, impractical, unworkable


We help young people build confidence and instil self-belief

What we mean

Resolute, single-minded, decisive, tenacious, strong-willed

What we don’t mean

Changeable, flexible, soft, hesitating, wavering