Using case studies

Real-life quotes and case studies are often the most powerful ways to communicate our impact. Here are some examples of how to keep a case study short and punchy. Please remember that we always need the young person’s consent if we want to include their case study, and you should always check consent with the Communications team.

Short case study examples to highlight impact:

XXX was 10 when his mum sadly passed away. He became depressed and struggled to concentrate at school, feeling isolated and hopeless: “You’re helping me trust people again. When I came to my local Prince’s Trust centre, I felt lost. Now I’ve got a job and I wake up feeling positive, thanks to everyone I’ve met there.”

XXX is now working at a theme park after doing a Prince’s Trust course. “After my relationship broke down, I lost my house, I lost my job, I lost everything and became homeless. The course slowly helped to build me back up again so I could work out what I wanted to be and where I wanted to go. At the celebration at the end of the course, we were all offered jobs at Alton Towers and I’m still here now, working my way up. For some people a job is just a job, but for me – it’s everything. I can now envisage myself going places and getting promoted, and eventually I want to run the theme park – fingers crossed!”

XXX was being bullied at school when he got support from The Trust. “I got kicked out of school – I kept walking out of the classes because I was being bullied. The Trust’s course gave me some confidence and I managed to finish my GCSEs. I also went on a work placement through the course at an old people’s home, where I realised that I wanted to become a carer. It’s a really rewarding job, talking to people, making cups of tea – and I’m so pleased that I’ve found what I want to do now. I feel like everything has changed – in a positive way for a change.”