Over the next five years, our ambition is to give more disadvantaged young people the chance of a better future, through employment, education and enterprise.

Growing up can be hard whoever you are. But when you face disadvantage or adversity it can feel impossible. Growing up in a disadvantaged household greatly affects your life chances; you are more likely to suffer low levels of wellbeing, struggle to secure work, remain unemployed for long periods and earn less throughout your life.

Experiencing long-term unemployment can have a devasting effect on your life. In a recent report, 65% of young people agreed that the longer they are jobless, the worse they feel about themselves. Research shows that unemployment early in working life can leave “scars” in the form of longer periods of joblessness throughout your life, or lower earnings decades into the future.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. We believe every young person should have the chance to succeed, no matter what their background. We help young people aged 11-30 to develop essential life skills, work readiness and give them access to job opportunities. Our ultimate goal is supporting them towards securing work that we believe can lead to a more stable, fulfilling life. Three out of four of those we supported over the last five years moved into work, training, or education and as the UK’s largest youth charity, we have the experience and networks to make a difference to thousands more young lives every year.

HM King Charles III founded The Prince’s Trust in 1976 when he was HRH The Prince of Wales. Since then, we have supported over a million young people to transform their lives. Analysis from 2016 showed we returned more than £1.4 billion to society over just a ten-year period.

In supporting young people to prosper, not only do we create a profound impact on their lives, but we also make a difference to our wider society and economy. And whilst the challenges for disadvantaged young people are extensive, if we can raise the vital funds we need, thousands more young people will get the chance to develop the skills and confidence they need to unleash their potential.

For more than 45 years The Prince’s Trust has relied on people like you to join us and make a difference for young people. Together we can be the turning point in their young lives. Please join us.