Our visuals

Data visuals

Below you can see how to select colours for charts and graphs. The colour range can extend up to 16 colours. 

Below shows you how to apply our colours to different types of data visuals for high legibility. 

Use X as the core colour as it offers the clearest range of tints. 

If more colours are needed add Royal Blue, Mid Grey, Dark Grey and Teal. Tints are in 20% increments.

1 colour 

Use Vibrant Red when the data requires one colour 

2 colours 

Use Vibrant Red and Mid Grey when data requires 2 colours. Use Vibrant Red to highlight the single point of interest and Mid Grey to tone down all the other areas in the data set.

2-4 colours 

We use tints of the same colour because it helps the brain identify the differences quicker than if they are all different colours. Use Royal Blue as the core colour as it offers the clearest range of tints.

4 colours 

Vibrant Red can be added as the highlight colour to draw attention to a particular point

5 colours 

We increase the palette by adding mid grey, dark grey and teal

8 colours 

We use tints of Vibrant Red, Royal Blue, Teal with our Mid Grey and Dark Grey.

More than 8 colours 

We use tints of Vibrant Red, Royal Blue, Teal and Dark Grey. 

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We’ve simplified and updated parts, and we're working on further improvements. If you see something you like or something that isn't working, let us know via this feedback form (Click link) so that we can keep making the guidance better.